New Girl with the Pearl Earring - Arjen Roos

About DAC

Mission & Vision

The Dutch Art Community is a group of artists, of international origins, living in the Netherlands and abroad.

We aim at helping the members of our community grow & gain visibility, via the promotion of digital art under all shapes and forms: through exhibitions, curated spaces & other activities, on line and in real life. Our main focuses are creating & showcasing digital arts and NFTs.

The core values we promote are that of kindness, authenticity, integrity, open-mindedness and togetherness. We believe that together we can achieve much more & be stronger.

Stay in touch, as we will soon announce opportunities to join our community & build together with us.

Featured artwork: “New Girl with the Pearl Earring” – Arjen Roos.

Our Contribution Guidelines

To maintain the integrity and reputation of our collective, while encouraging creative freedom, we have established the following guidelines for contributors:

Click here to view full guidelines…

1. Respect for Diversity & Inclusion:

We value diverse perspectives, but content must respect all individuals and groups. Avoid any form of hate speech, discrimination, or promotion of violence.

2. Accuracy & Responsibility:

Contributors should ensure that their contribution (art, article, etc..) are accurate, well-researched, and fact-checked. Misinformation and sensationalism are not acceptable.

3. Political & Religious Neutrality:

While we encourage discussions on important social issues, contributions (art, article, etc..) should avoid strong political endorsements or disrespect towards religious beliefs.

4. Originality & Intellectual Property:

All contributions (art, article, etc..) must be original work. Plagiarism and unauthorised use of others’ content are strictly prohibited. If work / text from someone else is used, the contributor must always mention the name of the person being quoted and the source of the text.

5. Content Sensitivity:

Contributors should avoid content that could be considered sexually explicit, defamatory, or libellous.

6. Handling Controversial Subjects & Allegations:

Contributions discussing individuals or entities involved in controversy, particularly where there are allegations of misconduct, must adhere to the highest standards of journalistic ethics. Contributors should:

  • Avoid speculation: Refrain from publishing unverified claims, rumors, or speculative content.
  • Cite reliable sources: Ensure that any claims made are supported by credible and verifiable sources.
  • Maintain neutrality: Present the information in a balanced manner, avoiding any content that could be perceived as defamatory or unfairly biased.
  • Legal review: Articles involving legal accusations or controversial figures are subject to additional review and may require legal consultation.
  • Editorial discretion: The editorial team reserves the right to decline articles that, even if factually accurate, could harm the collective’s reputation or lead to legal complications.

7. Art-Related Content:

All topics and discussions should be related to art or the art world. While we welcome a broad range of social topics, they should always have a clear connection to art.

8. Disclaimer & Representation

The views expressed in contributions of all kinds (art, article, etc..) are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of our collective.

9. Constructive Discussion:

We encourage thoughtful discussion of sensitive topics but ask contributors to approach such subjects with nuance and respect for differing opinions.

10. Review Process:

Standard Review: Every contribution is reviewed by at least two members of the editorial team for content accuracy, alignment with our guidelines, and overall quality.

Feedback Loop: If any changes are required, contributors will receive detailed feedback and the opportunity to revise their work.

Publication Approval: Once all feedback is addressed, the contribution will be approved for publication by the editorial team.

Contact Us…

Use the below form to get in touch with the Dutch Art Community.
We’ll get back to you as fast as we can.